Montreal connectivity #2 Friday 7th April 2023 02:35:00

Facilities in Montreal has lost partial power causing some racks to go offline. We are investigating and will update this posting as we have more information.

All servers in series srv72xx have had their power moved back to original connections, fully resolving this situation.

We will send out the datacenter's RFO later today.

We have reached out to the affected srv72xx customers to move their power back. We will update this incident when complete.

B power is back. We will be reaching out to the specified srv72xx clients to schedule moving their power back into their own PDUs.

Latest update from Vantage: ETA for B power repairs is 9pm tonight

Update: Cooling is still stable. Some rack rows still only have "A" power. Electricians are working on it.

At this point, no customer services appear as hard down. If you're noting a connectivity issue in Montreal please reach out.

All virtualized customers are back online. All customer dedicated and colo services with a designation of srv71xx are back online. All customer dedicated and colo services with a designation of srv72xx are back online unless you are listed below, then we are still waiting for them to be restored: srv7203 srv7204 srv7206 srv7207 srv7209 srv7210 srv7214 srv7215

All network fabric including Edge, Core, Top of Rack and DDoS mitigation is back online. We are bringing servers back up now.

Coolers are back online, temperatures are dropping, we will begin bringing everything back online.

Power feeds are back, cooling fans have begun to empty the data center of hot air, and cooling system is prepping to come back online.

Vantage (Data Center) ops advised that a power skid that gets 25kv from HQ failed yesterday night.

When switching over the load to/from genset, the PLC controlling the breakers failed.

Vantage is waiting for ABB at 6AM for repairs.

Due to extremely high temperatures we are in the process of soft powering down all servers in the facility as well as our network equipment until we get notice that temperatures begin to go down, we are doing this out of an abundance of caution as well as to protect all customer equipment and data.

Engineers are on site.

One of 2 power feeds is offline in DM10. Cooling units are down, seemingly since Hydro Quebec cut off the data center for repairs given the recent major ice storm.

It is currently 50C in the data hall. We are contacting Data Center operations personnel for an update.