All systems are operational

Past Incidents

3rd July 2023

No incidents reported

2nd July 2023

No incidents reported

1st July 2023

Atlanta Atlanta intermittent connectivity

We are investigating Atlanta intermittent connectivity issues now. We will update this posting as we have more information.

  • This has been resolved and confirmed stable.

  • This remains in progress. We will post updates as we have them.

  • The routing issue has been identified and we are working to resolve and confirm stability.

  • 30th June 2023

    No incidents reported

    29th June 2023

    Chicago Chicago connectivity issues over specific paths

    We're investigating connectivity issues over some Chicago paths. We'll update this announcement as we have more details.

  • This issue has been confirmed stable and is being marked resolved at this time.

  • We have identified and resolved the issues with routing announcements, and are currently confirming stability.

  • 28th June 2023

    No incidents reported

    27th June 2023

    No incidents reported