Chicago datacenter move: srv15xx Friday 25th August 2023 11:00:00

Further to notifications sent out regarding our Chicago datacenter move, the following server IDs are being moved today:


If your server ID (clearly noted in the client area and SynergyCP) is in this series and is offline while this message is posted, it's being physically moved from location to location per the notification we've sent you.

We will post updates to this listing as the work progresses if we have any specific updates, and when the work is complete. A reminder that we would appreciate refraining from opening a ticket to ask "any update?" as we will post updates here and we will have no different or additional information in a support ticket. You can subscribe to updates at the bottom of this page.

Today's moves are completed.

We're moving a few hundred servers on each of these days. We're unable to individually check every server. If your server is currently unreachable, please check your server via the KVM console and confirm it's booted into your operating system before opening a ticket.